Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Who Wears the Pants

Been a while since I last updated. Sorry. Been a little preoccupied with this Sport Law class I've been taking. It's required a TON of reading and writing case briefings. I've finished everything except for my final which is at the end of the week. So I've got a small bit of down time before the soccer team starts preseason training on Monday. We'll be having three-a-days in this heat. Should be fun.

Last night, Mrs. McGoo and I were sitting down and both studying a little when she told me a statistic she learned in her "Family Development" class (I hope that is what it is called). Widowers are four times more likely to remarry than widows. I asked why is that, to which she replied, "Because women take care of you and you wouldn't know what to do without us. So naturally, you'd remarry sooner than women." Dang...kinda harsh don't ya think?

This morning, I got a phone call from Mrs. McGoo asking me to remember to put the pork tenderloin in the crock-pot because she *forgot.

Last night Mrs. McGoo needed help moving documents somewhere so she could print them at school. Enter Mr. McGoo that gave her a jump drive and moved them over for you. This morning, she forgot the jump **drive.

These are just a few examples of the many that I could list that proves who takes care of who in this house.

So there you have it. Statistical research debunked. I think we all know who wears the pants.

* Crock-pot was an idea by said wife who was trying to make sure her husband was taken care of for dinner since she knows he'd most likely not eat due to not knowing what I make.

** Jump drive was forgotten because said wife was making breakfast for her husband who was watching T.V.


Frank Bryant said...

Go ahead and fight it a while if it makes you feel better. Eventually you will just agree with her and move on.

Kelly said...

Maybe widowers remarry not because they CAN'T cook and clean but, rather, because they don't want to. And they get tired of Picadilly 3x day.

Brittany Schwaigert said...

Oh honey, Ryan would NEVER be able to locate anything in this house if I weren't here to do it for him. He would walk around aimlessly looking for his glasses/wallet/keys/etc. for hours.

Rachael said...

HAHAHA! You and Paul might be related. hilarious!

Larry McGugan said...

ya'll are funny.

Laura Dawson said...

just like that Saturday when she asked you to switch the laundry from the washer to the dryer to help out, you *forgot, and she did it anyway without saying anything to you... so all the times that she does stuff and doesn't say anything so you can enjoy your TV watching time... does that count for anything? Not saying you don't do anything cause i know you do.... but your pickin on my girl and I know she takes good care of you. :)

Jeff Brannon said...

I so could jump in this but won't...

Theresa Williams said...

Kelly, as long as u "think" u wear the pants then everything will be just fine. LOL