Thursday, March 17, 2011

4 Years of Bliss

Today marks 4 years that my wife, Mrs. McGoo, has had the fortunate blessing of being my wife. I completely take care of her by cooking, cleaning, keeping the house in order, and making tons of money to provide for her. Those are just a few intangibles that Mr. McGoo brings to the table.

My SILR tells me every year on my birthday (we share a bday), "Congrats, for sharing a birthday with me." So I'll say, "Congrats Mrs. McGoo for being married to me for 4 years!"

(Any if you believe any of what I just wrote, you probably think that today is Halloween because everyone is dressed in green.)

The fact is, I'm incredibly blessed and lucky to call Mrs. McGoo my wife.

Here's a really cool quote from Mark Driscoll:

"In the opening pages of Genesis, we see that our Trinitarian God made everything “good.” The only thing that is not called “good” is that our first father, Adam, was alone. He had creation below him, and God above him, but no one alongside of him to walk as an equal. In this way, Adam was not able to show forth the Trinitarian community of God; Adam was alone on the earth and not in community. For this reason, among others, God said it was “not good” for the man to be alone. So, God made a woman, our first mother, Eve, to be Adam’s helper and bride. God then essentially walked her down the aisle and officiated the first wedding between the first man and first woman. Thus, God set the precedent that, though different, men and women are equal as his image-bearers, that marriage is a gift for one man and one woman to enjoy, and as a result called all of this “very good.” "

If I can borrow from our Lord, our marriage has been VERY GOOD. And it is ONLY because we have continued to put our Lord and savior, Christ, in the center of it.

I love you Mrs. McGoo!


Mrs. McGoo said...

;) Love you!

Rachael said...

y'all are too cute!

Frank Bryant said...

As our buddy Charlie might say, "duh, winning"! Congrats to both of you.