Thursday, March 18, 2010

Lord. You Talkin' To Me?

It's pretty safe to say that McGugan is not a real common last name. So you could imagine our surprise when our friend Karyn Bridges sent us this photo.

This is Desselign. He is one of the guards that works on the compound where we'll be staying.

Now, after seeing this, do you think God is telling us something? Kind of sounds like GO! Whenever someone asks me from now on how God speaks to you, I'll show them this.

In case you were wondering, Mrs. McGoo and I are going to Ethiopia in June on a mission trip. You can learn all about it on Mrs. McGoo's blog. (

Probably best to not back out of this trip eh?


Mrs. McGoo said...

It totally made my day when Karyn sent us that photo. I was so excited to share it with some coworkers... seriously?! God is so cool and comical at times. Love it! Cannot wait to see what's in store for us - time to pray for preparation!

Brittany Schwaigert said...

Got your mailer today! This is what I like to call "synchronicity."

Kelly said...

That's awesome.

Theresa Williams said...

God works in unusual ways. Kelly if u were having doubts about going... I think u just saw your calling. What an amazing God we have;)