Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Mr. McGoo's Challenge

I blogged a while back about how I've started working out with Mrs. McGoo and my morning mistress and how frustrating it was at first. Well, I've decided to let this blog be my public accountability for my workouts. So as I continue to lose weight and gain strength, everyone will get to see what is going on. As of right now, I've lost 5lbs.

To catch everyone up, Mrs. McGoo and I started working out to Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred and today marks our move into Session 2. So I would assume the level is going to be bumped up a tad and the conditioning is going to be tougher. Good. I'm ready for a new challenge!

Speaking of challenges, I want to clue you in on one that I have right now. If there is anyone that doesn't read Mrs. McGoo's blog, Verbal Vomit, you should. Not only should you, but you would come to understand her heart for the children of Africa in many of her posts. One of the things that Mrs. McGoo and I have been discussing lately is that we feel that God has laid on our hearts to take a mission trip to Africa. She and I have both always had a heart for Africa. My mens soccer program is involved in the ONE Campaign.

While it offers breath-taking scenery, Africa also offers a nation overrun with poverty, AIDS, orphans, and civil war. Since we've been married, Mrs. McGoo and I have talked about making a difference in the kingdom and we have heard the Lord speak and he is leading us to Africa. The truth is, those are my brothers and sisters over there. God's children. Africa is in my heart, therefore it's mine. I take responsibility for it and everything that is happening there. It's time to jump in and stop standing by idly while millions are suffering. I am going to make a difference.

So how does that happen? Well, a lot of prayer, faith, and unfortunately a lot of money. Most that know Mrs. McGoo and I, know that that is not something we have a lot of. I am working for the University of Memphis Soccer team while I am going back to school (20hrs in spring) and Mrs. McGoo is working full time while going to Nursing School. We are so blessed that we don't over-extend ourselves and do not have any debt. But, how do we go on a trip that we cannot afford? The answer is simple. God. God will provide like he always has. Don't believe me?

Here's God providing....

On Dec. 30th, I was talking with a friend of mine (who shall remain nameless) and telling them about my desire to go on a mission trip with Mrs. McGoo and how we were going to try for a mission trip. We talked about other stuff as well and while talking, my friend posed a suggestion to me. Here's what they said:

Friend: "well I'm thinking about a challenge for you"
: oh yeah?

Friend: "yeah! I absolutely mean no bad feelings on this challenge at all, and I think you are fine just the way you are. I mean that but I know I respond better with a challenge and goal. What about for every pound you lose between now and the trip I will pay $5 toward the trip (cap it at $500 or 100 lb.)"

Now that's a challenge isn't it? Is God not involved in that? I don't see how he couldn't be....

So not only does the Lord provide a vessel to facilitate a challenge and help generate/raise funds for a trip to further the kingdom, but I also I get to lose weight/get more healthy in the process.

Sounds like a challenge to me. It is almost like I'm running a really long 5K and have picked up a sponsor to help contribute to a greater cause. Pretty neat. I didn't know what to say to this friend other than a resounding YES!!

Additionally, not only am I getting up in the morning to workout, but I also am taking a weight and resistance training class in school and happen know the professor. She's going to kick my butt in workouts and I'm going to love every minute of it. Little does she know that she's helping further the kingdom.

So really it's an awesome feeling knowing that God provides. In the small things and in the large things. God is there.

I'm going to help these brothers and sisters. They don't know it yet. But they will. You'll see.

My Children. My Heart. My Africa.

1 comment:

Mrs. McGoo said...

A HUGE smile sits on my face as I read this post, Mr. McGoo! Has God provided the right man for me, or what?! I'm so blessed to have you in my life and as the head of our family.

I cannot wait to see what God does this year through you, through me, and through those around us that continue to feel the buzz of the Holy Spirit calling them to something greater. Love you!